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ask the oracle:
nubbin flat head
nubbin speaks many things:
i absorb and emanate, clasp and release. i find you and give you back. what am i?
smooth bar head strings
don't be taken in by geometry. look closer. see the tendrils stretching from wall to wall, a door-jewel for closing in the treasure of your finger.
nubbin slim head
from the fortuneteller’s domain to the inexorable print of identity:
for me the gap is nothing. the violence of passage only appears so, for i fall but do not break. i am each time exactly the same and never so. you can find yourself in me and lose yourself. my violence can be real for you. My peace can be real. what am i?
anemone four sprong split
ah, tempest-tossed. the tiny anemone remembers when you lived in the sea. its feelers feel air now, wave in the breeze-tides that envelop earth--great, round bauble.
anemone multiple split
the fluid in rigidity, the living in the dead. enclosed by this ring, your finger will entreat, "do not fear my spines! i was once as supple as you, and still dream of it."
wrap moderately tight
when every limb is in place, every strand aligned, the spirit loosed for perfection on the night, this is the ring to wear. grace condensed, nothing omitted.
bilingual guardian
does the message change depending on your feelings? this silver scroll extends your inner self for those who can find their way among the runes.
nubbin big head
while simplicity and destiny cavort:
i am an empty bowl. go begging with me and find simplicity. i am a full moon. i am a fragment of music, the note so perfect it congealed as it left the blind man’s violin on the train. what am i?